TELEFON 60 907
2850 LENA
13. desember 1980
Dear Mrs. Williams!
Webjørn Webjørnsen immigrated to the United States in 1864. He got a certificate from the vicar June 18, 1864, but we have no information that he and his family left the Toten area at that date. Ten years earlier, in 1854, he moved to Toten and bought the farm of Jonsrud at Eina, but sold this farm October 13, 1857 for 1800 Speciedaler = 1800 dollars.
Later on the family lived at the farm of Sangnes. Webjørn was addressed "gaardmand" = farmer in the church register. It may be quite right that he skated across the ice of the Einafjord to get to church. But at that time he had to go to the church of Aas, because the Eina church, who is standing on the farm of Jonsrud's ground, was not built until 1890.
Webjørn Webjørnsen Sangnes was born in Kråkstad 1822: His wife was Pouline Marie Ingebrigt'sdaughter born 1820: (He was 42 years old when he became certificate in 1864, she 44 years.)
Wilhelm Julius born 14/12-1843 confirmed at Aas church 10/10-1858.
Elen Dorthea born 1846 confirmed 10/9 1860, Aas.
Jens Martin born 12/3 1848 confirmed 12/10 1862, Aas.
Anthon Sigvart born 1849 emmigrated before confirmation.
Gunhild Melbe born 1851.
Heda Marie born 1/4-1854 on the farm of Jonsrud.
Laurine Wilhelmine b. 7/1-1855 -"- Jonsrud.
Helmer Otto b. 29/4-1860 -"- Sangnes
I wish you a merry Christmas!
Pål Gihle.