by Webjørn Webjørnsen Waal
Translation by Oivind Hovde
I, Webiørn Webiørnsen, was born at Waal in Kråkstad district the 8th August in year 1780. And was married to my dear wife Dorte 1808 the 2nd December. And moved to Waal the 22nd December. She was born at Alvim in Kråkstad district the 22nd September 1782. Our marriage brought us the following children: 1810 the 2nd May was born little son Anders before 9:30 a.m. He failed and died when he was 4 [?] days old. 1811 the 1st May 3:10 o’clock [?] was born [. . .] was baptized by Herr Provst Hørbye and named Anders. Witnesses were klokker (sexton - led singing in church) Johannes G [?]
We moved again to Brekke the 22nd February 1812. My wife provided me a daughter year 1812 the 3rd December 5 o’clock morning and the 6th of the same baptized in Kråkstad church by Herr Provst Hørbye.
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Witnesses were Aaslov F [?] Quillevese, Gunil Andersdatter Alvim, Webiørn Svensen Wall, Kiel Anderson and Olle Andersen Alvim.
Year 1814 the 26th November 3/4 to 11 before noon was our little son Svend and was baptized in Kråkstad church the 27th November. Witnesses were Gunil Webiørnsdatter Waal, Johanne Fredrecksdatter Wall, Webiørn Svensen and Fredrech Svendsen Wall together with Andreas Andersen [. . .] Alvim.
In year 1817 the 13 February was born to my wife a daughter 5 o’clock in the morning who was stillborn. My wife provided me again a son year 1821 the 16th December 6 o'clock and at quarter to 7 in afternoon. [. . .] and baptized in Kråkstad church by Hr. Provst [. . .] and named Webiørn [. . .] the 30th [. . .] Sunday in [. . .] og Witnesses were Aaslov Jonsdatter Qvillesjø, Mari Østensdatter Kalsmyr; Olle Andersen Alvim, Webiørn Friedrecksen Waal and Svend Larsen Qvillesjø.
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My wife [. . .] me in year 1826 the 2nd January [. . .] o’clock in the morning a daughter who was baptized in Kråkstad church the 11th same month by Herr District Pastor Regersen. Witnesses were Christiana Rasmusdatter Haug, Christine Seversdatter Qvillesjø, Andreas Andersen Kiel [?] and Olle Andersen Alvim; and [. . .] are in [. . .] Johanne.
God help and preserve [. . .] in Jesus name [. . .] I am [. . .] me [. . .] in marriage this [. . .] in the year 1849 the 30 April [. . .] girl Inger Marie Christiansdtr Brekke where we [. . .] son [. . .] Anton Sigevarth Webiørn[sen] God given fortune.