Pedigree chart for Webjørn WEBJØRNSEN Waal (1780-1852). Image courtesy of Williams Family Pages.
Descendants and Ancestors of
Sigvart Anton Webjørnsen (1849-1932).
. . . dennes sønn Vebjørn Svendsen får bygselbrev 1760 på første halvdel og i 1786 også på annen halvde, så han dermed har hele gården; 1761 g. m. Gunhild Svendsdtr. Sørum. 6 barn:1. Vebjørn, var skoleholder 1797-1807 (I. s. 329), kom til Brekka, kalles gjerne Vebjørn Brekka. 2. Margrete, g. m. Hans Jensen Molbech Asgjerrud. 3. Gunhild, g. m. Fredrik Svendsen Opsal. 4. Agar, gift til Bjerke i Frogn. 5. Anne Kirstine, g. m. Osmund Andersen Eldor, Ås. 6. Sophie, g. m. Andreas Rød, Kroer.Da gården 1820 blev utlagt som chefsgård, for det follaugske kompani, flyttet den gamle bruker Vebjørn Svendsen til sin svigersønn på Rød i Kroer, der han døde 1824. [Østlid, Vol. 2, p. 48.]
. . . his son Vebjørn Svendsen received the lease 1760 on first half and in 1786 also on the second half, so he therefore had the entire farm; 1761 married to Gunhild Svendsdtr. Sørum. 6 children:1. Vebjørn, was school teacher 1797-1807 (v. 1, p. 329), came to Brekka, generally calls himself Vebjørn Brekka. 2. Margrete, married to Hans Jensen Molbech Asgjerrud. 3. Gunhild, married to Fredrik Svendsen Opsal. 4. Agar, married to Bjerke in Frogn. 5. Anne Kirstine, married to Osmund Andersen Eldor, Ås. 6. Sophie, married to Andreas Rød, Kroer.When the farm in 1820 was plotted at chief's farm, for the “follaugske” company, the old farmer Vebjørn Svendsen moved to his son-in-law at Rød in Kroer, where he died in 1824. [English translation by Verla Williams.]
W e b j ø r n W e b j ø r n s e n W a a l (1797-1807). He didn't become released from the military before Hørbye [parish pastor] had fought a controversy with the officers. He says among other things that in the entire parish there is not found any other who can be schoolteacher. "This fellow who is so slight of stature that his parents have made him learn tailoring handwork, for fear that he for want of strength would be unable to do heavy and rough labor," should also avoid "exercise." "He is young to be sure," says the pastor, "but experience teaches sufficiently that the intellect always grows with age and that 'one often finds at the house of a young man what one lacks at the house of an older." Vebjørn has shown himself capable and one can not refuse a man to be school teacher even if he also could be useful as the king's man [soldier]. Absolutely not when no one else capable is found. "The nature of the story is such that not any farm boy could become a principal teacher." In a life story about Vebjørn Vål, written by the minister's assistant, C. Bergh, it is said among other things, "In his parents house he remained faithfully at home as an obedient son until he was 16 years old, and he received with happiness and thankfulness the good upbringing which his Christian parents did not neglect to give him -- he had a taste for God's word -- and felt the desire to work with that and to teach himself and others something useful; that's why at 16 years of age, he was named by blessed now deceased Bishop Hørbye to be school teacher here in the parish, in which position he remained and with capability and diligence performed his duty for 10 years." -- He moved later to Brekka. Vebjørn Vål or Vebjørn Brekka as he was then called, was a member of Kråkstad's first township board (1838-1841).
Wife 1: Dorte ANDERSDTRBorn: 8 Aug 1780
Place: Vål, Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Married: 2 Dec 1808
Place: Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Died: 28 Jul 1852
Place: Brekke, Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Husband's Father: Webjørn SVENDSEN Waal
Husband's Mother: Gunhild SVENDSDTR
Baptized: 22 Sep 1782--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Place: Alvim, Akershus, NOR
Died: 12 Jul 1840
Place: Brekke, Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Wife's Father: Anders SVENDSEN Alvim
Wife's Mother: Dorte PAULSDTR
Born: 2 May 18102. Anders WEBJØRNSEN
Place: Vål, Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Died: 6 May 1810
Place: Vål, Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Born: 1 May 18113. Gunhild WEBJØRNSDTR
Place: Vål, Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Died: 2 Jul 18--
Born: 3 Dec 18124. Svend WEBJØRNSEN
Place: Brekke, Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Spouse: Samuel PEDERSEN Bjørke
Married: Unknown
Died: Unknown
Born: 23 Nov 18145. Baby WEBJØRNSDTR
Place: Brekke, Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Died: 6 Jul 1817
Place: Brekke, Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Born: 13 Feb 18176. Webjørn WEBJØRNSEN (Karlsmyr)
Place: Brekke, Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Died: 13 Feb 1817
7. Johanne WEBJØRNSDTRBorn: 16 Dec 1821
Place: Brekke, Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Spouse: Pauline Marie INGEBRETSDTR
Married: 11 Apr 1843
Died: 15 May 1899
Place: Glenwood, Winneshiek, IA
Born: 2 Jan 1826
Place: Brekke, Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Spouse: Christian THORESEN Gjelvelsrud
Marrie: Unknown
Died: Unknown
Born: 13 Jan 1828--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Place: Hobøl, Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Married: 30 Apr 1849
Place: Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Died: Unknown
Wife's Father: Christian JENSEN Hobøl
Wife's Mother: Sophie CLAUSDTR
Born: 5 Sep 1849
Place: Brekke, Kråkstad, Akershus, NOR
Died: Unknown